Ryan Legal Services can work with tax consultants at Ryan to provide a single source for end-to-end tax solutions across the following Ryan tax practices.

Abandoned and Unclaimed Property
Ryan consultants help Ryan clients navigate the complex state regulations and audit risks of abandoned and unclaimed property regulation to maintain compliance and cost control.

Credits and Incentives
More than 50% of available tax credits and incentives go unclaimed by taxpayers. Ryan consultants help Ryan clients qualify and obtain these savings.

Employment Tax
Ryan consultants understand employment tax reporting and help Ryan clients recover unidentified tax savings at the federal and state levels.

Income Tax
Ryan consultants have proven track records of minimizing, managing, defending, and controlling income tax liabilities.

Property Tax
Ryan consultants belong to the largest national network of property tax consultants who know how to value properties and lower property taxes.

Severance Tax
Ryan consultants know how to maximize recovery and utilize potential severance tax benefits.

Transaction Tax
Ryan consultants are recognized nationally for finding transaction tax savings and minimizing taxes paid. Ryan’s services also encompass Business License Tax, Communications Tax, and Fuel and Excise Tax.
The tax practices listed above are services provided by Ryan and not Ryan Legal Services. Ryan Legal Services can provide legal services to support these tax practices but does not perform the tax consulting work.